During its lifetime, UNIDROIT has prepared over seventy studies and drafts. Many of these have resulted in international instruments, including international Conventions, Model Laws, Principles, and Legal and Contractual Guides. UNIDROIT’s work has also served as the basis for a number of international instruments adopted under the auspices of other international organisations, several of which are already in force.

UNIDROIT’s independent status amongst intergovernmental organisations has enabled it to pursue working methods which have made it a particularly suitable forum for tackling technical issues. With its seat at Villa Aldobrandini at the heart of Rome, UNIDROIT periodically organises international congresses, meetings and seminars to discuss topical aspects of the harmonised modernisation and unification of law, such as methodology and its practical application to specific projects or in general. These events bring together judges, arbitrators, academics and practising lawyers as well as national and international civil servants. The UNIDROIT Foundation actively contributes to the organisation and promotion of these events.

If you have a specific type of event or collaboration in mind, please contact us at info@unidroitfoundation.org with your proposal and your timeline.